, ||
P.O.Box 6 Kuntanase-Deduako, Ashanti - Ghana
Kindly remember again that if you request for delivery of documents for your sake, this will cost you delivery charges during a minimum of 24 - 48hrs working period.
+234 567 890 1234
*Admission processes of BGiSS requires few steps. As part of the CSSPS System giving each Junior High School child the chance to have secondary education comes with a lot of benefits. To have such benefits in our environment, pupils placed in Bosomtwe STEM Girls Senior High School must go through these process to have a better registration or admission.
Get any website browser such as google chrome, safari, netscape, firefox, opera mini etc and type in the website address at the address bar Click on the admissions button from the menubar area.
*In case you find the process difficult to follow in attaining admission for your ward at BGiSS, please contact the following admission office line on our website for further guidelines.
*Candidates are required to come for their prospectus at the school or can download the attached file below for any inconveniences that might happen to candidates from very far end.
Venue: Administration
Date: 17/02/2025
Status: Fulltime
Description: BGISS new Headmistress
Venue: Dinning Hall
Date: 10/10/2025
Time: 10:00am
Description: Induction Service