, || P.O.Box 6 Kuntanase, Ashanti - Ghana

We will be grateful for your feedback

Welcome to BGiSS Survey Platform. Kindly Help Us with Your Responses by Filling the Forms Below

What is your fullname Mr/Mrs/Miss? *

What is your Email Address *

Your Country of Residence *

Your City of Residence *

Your Contact Number *

Are You an Old Student from BGiSS? *

Which Year Did You Completed? *

How Did You hear About Us? *

CSSPS System
Social Media
Online Blog

Please share any information that will help us concering the education of our Students (Optional)

*Donating to BGiSS as an Old Student, Philanthropist or a Visitor

What is your fullname Mr/Mrs/Miss? *

What is your Email Address *

Your Country of Residence *

Your City of Residence *

Your Phone Number *

Are You an Old Student from BGiSS? *

Can You Tell Us your Status? *

Describe the Donation *

Pick the number Below to send your donation if it is in cash
Mobile Money Number: 0597639506