, || P.O.Box 6 Kuntanase, Ashanti - Ghana

SRC Board & Miss BGiSS


Bosomtwe STEM Girls Senior High comprises of the Student Representative Council, the Staff and Non-Staff of which many holds several positions at various sections of the school. Below are names and pictures of elected prefects for the Academic year 24/25;

SRC President & Assist
Main: Dufie Amponsah Priscilla
Asst: Bempeh Pokuah Alice

Dr Osei Yaw Adutwum House Prefects
Main: Mahmudu Munira
Asst: Nyarko Christabel Acquah

Discipline Prefects
Main: Ababio Agyemang Josephine
Asst: Nyeraba Abigail

Prep Prefects
Main: Lier Joana
Asst: Atta-Aidoo Chloe Nana Akua

Health & Entertaiment Prefects
Main: Amponsah Dufie Princess
Asst: Acheampong Esther Adoma

Head Girls
Main: Amponsah Dufie Priscilla
Asst: Bimpeh Pokuah Alice

Protocol Prefects
Main: Adjei Christabel
Asst: Aboagye Kuffour Cindy

Compound Prefects
Main: Kodjoe Rashida A. Akyire
Asst: Kodjoe Rashida A. Akyire


1. Cheating in Internal Examination

CORRECTION First Offence: Cancellation of Paper and Suspention Second Offence: Dismissal

2. Drunkenness

CORRECTION First Offence: Suspention from School Second Offence: Dismissal from School

3. Incitement to Riot/Rioting

CORRECTION Suspension (For those pressurized in rioting) Dismissal Parents should be made to pay for cost of damages

4. Sexual Misconduct

CORRECTION Withdrawal (Dismissal for cases of Rape)

5. Anonymous letters giving false informations

CORRECTION First Offence: Warning Second Offence: Suspension Third Offence: Dismissal

6. Deliberate distortion facts/Character Assassination

CORRECTION First Offence: Suspension Second Offence: Dismissal

OFFENCE 7. Flouting the authority of the Head and other Members of StaffFlouting the authority of the Head and other Members of Staff

CORRECTION First Offence: Manual Work Second Offence: Suspension Third Offence: Dismissal

OFFENCE 8. Assault on Members of Staff and their Dependents

CORRECTION Dismissal from work

OFFENCE 9. Assault on group of Students

CORRECTION First Offence: Suspension Second Offence: Withdrawal from Boarding House/School

10. Wee possession, smoking and drug abuse

CORRECTION First Offence: Suspension Second Offence: Dismissal Recommendation for Psychiatric Treatment, If Neccessary

11. Pregnancy

CORRECTION Call parents for bilateral conversation on student’s security and protection.

12. Termination of Pregnancy/Abortion


13. Breaking of bounds/Truancy, including refusal to attend Classes or Official Functions without Permission

CORRECTION First Offence: Manual work with counselling Second Offence: Suspension Third Offence: Withdrawal

14. Travelling outside School/Town without Permission

CORRECTION First Offence: Suspension Second Offence: Withdrawal (from Boarding House/School)

15. Leaving school under false pretences

CORRECTION First Offence: Manual work Second Offence: Suspension Third Offence: Withdrawal (from Boarding House/School)

16. Fighting

CORRECTION First Offence: Warning Second Offence: Suspension Third Offence: Withdrawal

17. Petty Theft/Pilfering

CORRECTION First Offence: Warning Second Offence: Withdrawal (from Boarding House/School) (With restitution in all cases) Third Offence: Withdrawal

18. Stealing

CORRECTION First Offence: Suspension Second Offence: Withdrawal

19. Failure to write examination without justifiable cause

CORRECTION First Offence: Warning (And in addition be made to write Examination) Second Offence: Withdrawal

20. Flouting the authority of the School/Prefects or Seniors

CORRECTION First Offence: Warning Second Offence: Manual work Third Offence: Withdrawal

21. Improper dressing/putting on unprescribed attire to all social gatherings

CORRECTION First Offence: Confiscating of attire/dress Second Offence: Manual work

22. Bullying

CORRECTION First Offence: Manual work Second Offence: Suspension after the Culprit has settled any hospital fees incurred by his/her victim

23. Refusal to attend gatterings

CORRECTION Manual work/Suspension/Withdrawal Suspension after the Culprit has settled any hospital fees incurred by his/her victim

24. Behaving in a manner likely to bring the name of the school into disrepute

CORRECTION Suspension for two weeks

25. Failure to attend Morning and Evening Studies

CORRECTION First Offence: Manual work Second Offence: Withdrawal from Boarding House

26. Making unneccessary noise to disturb the peace of the school and others

CORRECTION First Offence: Manual work Second Offence: Withdrawal from Boarding House

27. Occult Practices(Occultism)


28. Lesbianism


29. Lateness to school/classes/other gathering

CORRECTION First Offence: Warning Second Offence: Manual work First Offence: Suspension

30. Washing during classes and unauthorized days

CORRECTION First Offence: Manual work Second Offence: Withdrawal from Boarding House

31. No student shall go beyond the school boundaries without permission. The school's main gate shall be the only access route for entrance and exit for all students. Examples are the following:
1. The staff common room
2. Dormitories during classes and prep time as well as functions
3. All staff bungalows
4. Sick Bay
5. School market during contract hours
6. Standing with male staff at enclosed/empty room alone

CORRECTION First Offence: One week manual work with counselling Second Offence: Two weeks Internal Suspension

33. Student shall report on the very day of reopening without fail, latest by 5.00pm.
There shall be a roll call by the house mistress with assistance of student prefects.

CORRECTION First Offence: Three days manual work Second Offence: Two weeks Internal Suspension Third Offence: One month Internal Suspension
At the end of the semester, all students shall leave the campus unless provision is made for their stay by the authorities. Prefects shall see to it that their dormitories are in neat condition before leaving the school.

34. Students’ hair should be kept uniformly down below the horizontal level of a ‘writing’ pen

CORRECTION Students who refuse to do so would be shaved by the authorities Second Offence: Withdrawal from Boarding House


Students must report to school on the day of re-opening. Failure to do so without tangible reasons or excuse of medical report shall be considered a serious offence and offenders shall be severely punished.


1. Food should never be eaten in the classroom
2. Classrooms should be kept neat at all times.
3. Silence must be observed during class time.
4. Absolute silence must be observed during study period
5. Study Supervisors must not allow students to walk about or leave classrooms.


1. Silence should be observed in the houses at the following times:
a. From lights out until after mass (worship in the morning)
b. During siesta
2. Food should never be eaten in the dormitories.
3. Cooking of food is strictly forbidden in the school.
4. No candles or matches are allowed in the dormitories.
5. No visitor is allowed in the dormitories.
6. Dormitories should be kept neat at all times.
7. Suitcases, boxes, trunks and bags should be kept in trunk rooms only.
8. Buckets should not be kept in the dormitories.


1. Students must always use cutlery and table napkins.
2. No student may walk about during meal time or enter the kitchen or store-room.
3. If a student needs something at table, she must raise her hand for the table head to take action.
4. Food should not be taken out of the dining hall.


1. Silence must be observed at all times in the library.
2. No book may be taken out without signing the card.


1. Hair should be low and simply cut.
2. Addition of any chemical to the hair is strictly forbidden.
3. Trim nails and file.


Sports and games are compulsory for all students.


1. Students may see their parents and other visitors ONLY on 1ST Sundays of the month between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm.
2. Visitors are not allowed in the dormitories and in the classrooms.


1. No student may bring any gadget to school except pressing iron and battery/solar lamp without radio. 2. Any gadget found on a student will be confiscated and the student punished. 3. Cellular phones and phone chips are strictly forbidden in the school.


Students are not allowed the free use of the telephone. All houses have two phones each. Should it become necessary to make a telephone call, permission must be sought from the Assistant Headmistress Domestic/ Senior House mistress / House mistress.


All Examinations conducted by the school are compulsory. Examination malpractices are serious offences punishable by dismissal/withdrawal. Writing of NOV/DEC Examination in school by students is prohibited.